Operator Precision Gear Grinding - September 17-18, 2025
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- Non-member - $750
- Member - $650
Expected Student Learning (Course Level) Outcomes:
Review and challenge control of part datums for pre-heat treatment operations, use datum’s consistently through finishing operations given part prints
Anticipate and correct for part distortion during heat treatment knowing the actual heat treatment process used.
Ask questions of gear designers and manufacturing engineers to acquire all information required to produce conforming finished gears
Accurately apply and inspect pre-calculated micro-geometry modifications derived from complex contact analysis software
Perform component finishing machine setup, alignments, component inspection and calibrations to established ISO standards
Select the optimum grinding wheel specification given part print and heat treatment used
Achieve compliance with finished parts to meet print requirements and customer performance expectations
Accurately measure pre and post finish gear tooth thickness given finished tooth thickness specifications
Avoid and detect the presence of Twist Error
Avoid and detect presence of grind burn temper
Avoid typical gear fatigue failure modes
Identify common non-conformances, apply problem solving techniques and corrective actions
0.6 CEUs